Group Employee Benefits

Are you a business owner or a director? Want to look after your employees? Are you looking for ways to attract and retain the best workers in a competitive job market? Then Group benefits could be your answer.

Insurance Link Manawatu partners with leading group benefit providers in New Zealand across Medical, Life and Risk group schemes, creating and arranging

With a group medical scheme, you enable your employees and their families to access medical cover that includes generous surgery benefits and medication not subsidised by Pharmac, plus the potential to get cover and treatment for pre-existing conditions.

Your firm is not obliged to pay for everything, it is possible to offer a set package with employees adding further benefits as they prefer, this keeps the cost reasonable for businesses.

Group life and risk packages can be tailored to individual company needs, meaning peace of mind and monetary compensation for your workers paid by an insurer if injury or illness should occur.

Hybrid solutions, a mixture of risk and medical benefits are available too, get in touch for more details around these. These are highly bespoke solutions, created around specific company needs and budgets.

Why group benefits? Consider these three reasons:

  • Attract and retain talented and skilled staff. There is a talent war on in New Zealand. Highly skilled, specialist and qualified staff are hard to find and are important to retain across blue collar and white collar industries, meaning competition for those individuals. Offering group benefits alongside a salary is a great way to attract jobseekers and retain your key staff members as well as making your firm stand out in a crowded hiring marketplace, it could even be the decisive factor in staff joining or remaining in certain circumstances.
  • Cover for pre-existing conditions. This has been mentioned already, but is such a powerful feature of a group benefit that it needs to be highlighted. Generally, a minimum number of employees on the policy has to be met for this to apply, but pre-existing conditions can be covered and treated on group medical and group risk policies. In certain circumstances with group medical schemes, this benefit can even be extended to employees’ families. This is made clear by both us and the insurer before a policy is put in place.
  • Reduce the number and duration of staff absences. Not just from improved morale and engagement, but a group benefit package can secure compensation and private treatment access for your staff, meaning they can be seen and treated in the private system more quickly, allowing a quicker recovery period and return to work. Compensation in the form of lump sum payments or monthly disability payments on a group risk policy offers peace of mind and eases your employees’ financial burden at what is, in all likelihood, a stressful period.

Does the above sound intriguing? Want to find out more? Get in touch today and let’s get the conversation started. We are very excited about the packages we have available and we can’t wait to help you and your staff. Talk to us today to get some free, no obligation advice around your options.