News from our Manawatu Advisers

What is ‘trauma insurance’ all about? Have you ever heard of trauma insurance? Also known as Critical Illness Cover, trauma insurance is a powerful – and sometimes misunderstood – protection tool. So here’s a summary of how it works, and how it can work for...

With Covid-19 variants now in the community, New Zealand is starting to learn how to live with the virus without the risk of strict lockdowns. But as many DHBs around New Zealand scramble to catch up on the backlog of cancelled surgeries, the public health...

Like to save money at the supermarket? Here are some common ‘tricks of the trade’, and the strategies to keep control of your spending. When money is tight or you’re saving for your family’s future, every dollar counts and that includes grocery spending. But as...

Five tips from the expert to help alleviate stress during these unprecedented times. If there’s one word that we’ve all seen a lot in recent times, it’s probably “unprecedented”. We experienced an unprecedented global pandemic. We were put in an unprecedented lockdown. Unfortunately, that’s meant...

Winter is here again, and with it usually comes higher electricity bills. But this doesn’t mean you should choose between having a warm, healthy home and keeping more money in your pockets. What you need is to maximise your energy efficiency and get more value...